FOIA News: Technical difficulties blamed for delayed release of Clinton's schedules in AP FOIA lawsuit
State Dept.: Outlook crashes delay release of Hillary Clinton schedules
By Josh Gerstein, Politico, Nov. 4, 2015
Repeated crashes of a version of the Microsoft Outlook program in recent months stymied the State Department's ability to respond to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit demanding former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's schedules, according to a new court filing.
A written declaration a senior State official submitted Wednesday in connection with a FOIA suit filed by the Associated Press said the agency is unable to meet a deadline Thursday to produce all records of Clinton's schedules during her four years as secretary of state.
State Deputy Executive Secretary Kelly Degnan said the Outlook crashes hampered State's ability to search email accounts and delayed the agency from searching archived versions of official emails accounts maintained by several Clinton aides involved with setting her schedule.
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