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FOIA News: NRC found not guilty of FOIA political interference

Agency watchdog finds NRC political appointees didn't interfere with FOIA requests

By Ryan McDermott, FierceGovernment, Aug. 26, 2015

A new audit found that political appointees at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission didn't meddle with or delay responses to Freedom of Information Act requests.

Congress requested that the NRC inspector general make sure that political appointees, also known as non-career officials, had not interfered with the FOIA process and inhibited transparency.

In its Aug. 18 report (pdf), the IG looked into the involvement of political appointees in the commission's FOIA response process from Jan. 1, 2007, to the present. From 2007 through 2014, NRC received a total of 2,995 FOIA requests – an average of 333 per year.

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