Court opinions issued August 31, 2015
Rubman v. U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Servs. & U.S. Dep't of Homeland Sec. (7th Cir.) -- concluding that agency "failed to conduct an adequate search . . . when it unilaterally narrowed [plaintiff's] request for 'all documents' to a single, newly generated statistical table."
Citizens for a Strong New Hampshire v. Internal Revenue Serv. (D.N.H.) -- ruling that IRS properly withheld correspondence from taxpayers, through their Congressmen, pursuant to Exemption 3 and Section 6103 of Internal Revenue Code. The court further determined that a genuine factual dispute existed about the adequacy of the agency's search, and it stated that it would schedule a conference of the parties to discuss prospect of a rare FOIA trial.
Agolli v. Office of Inspector Gen. (D.D.C) -- dismissing plaintiff's claims stemming from her 2006 FOIA request because the six-year statute of limitations ran before she filed suit; further finding that the Department of Justice's Office of Information Policy conducted an adequate search for records in response to plaintiff's 2014 request.
Summaries of all cases since April 2015 are available here.