FOIA News: October 19 FOIA Advisory Committee to Discuss the "Digital Future"
FOIA and the Digital Future on Agenda for October 19 FOIA Advisory Committee Meeting
Nat'l Archives & Records Admin., The FOIA Ombudsman, Oct. 11, 2017
The FOIA Advisory Committee has studied and considered the profound effects that technology is having on the way that government operates, and the public’s expectations for transparent government for a little more than a year. During its October 19 meeting, we expect for the discussion to focus on the draft recommendations developed by each of the subcommittees to address these challenges.
As we announced previously, the National Archives’ former Director of Litigation, Jason R. Baron, will address the Committee and discuss the challenge of implementing FOIA in a digital world during the October 19 meeting. We anticipate that Mr. Baron will highlight the deep connection between improving electronic record keeping practices and improving access to agency records through use of FOIA.
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