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FOIA News: Blumenthal considers FOIA lawsuit for Kavanaugh docs

Blumenthal says he’s ready to sue for Kavanaugh documents

By Ana Radelat & Julia Werth, CT Mirror, Sept. 11, 2018

Washington –Sen. Richard Blumenthal on Tuesday said he will spearhead an effort to sue for documents relating to Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s tenure in the White House.

While Kavanaugh’s  four-day confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee ended last week, Blumenthal’s quest for documents pertaining to Kavanaugh’s political career has not. Kavanaugh is President Donald Trump’s choice to fill the seat of retiring Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.

“We are going to be going to court sometime this week to compel compliance with our FOIA request,” Blumenthal said at a press conference in Hartford. “I will be leading that effort in filing legal action later this week.”

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