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FOIA News: USPS IG releases report on Spanberger’s personnel file

USPS IG clears conservative group of wrongdoing in Spanberger file release

At least 6 other former employees had their files improperly released after FOIA requests, IG found

By Griffin Connolly Roll Call, Jan. 4, 2019

The U.S. Postal Service inspector general officially cleared a prominent conservative research group of any wrongdoing for getting its hands on Rep. Abigail Spanberger’s complete and unredacted official personnel file last summer.

America Rising, a conservative opposition research group contracted by dozens of conservative PACs and campaign committees each election cycle to dig up dirt on Democratic candidates, went through the proper channels, submitting a Freedom of Information Act request for Spanberger’s file to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), the IG concluded in its report released in late December.

Read more here.

[P.S. I submitted the FOIA request in question on behalf of America Rising Corp.]