FOIA News: Gov't FOIA jobs available
Gov’t Info. Specialist, U.S. Marines Corps (closes 12/20/19)
FOIA Expert, Office of the Dir. of Nat’l Intelligence, (closes 12/25/19)
Supervisory Gov’t Info. Specialist, Dep’t of Education, Office of Civil Rights (closes 12/26/19)
Gov’t Info. Specialist, Dep’t of Health & Human Serv., FDA (closes 12/26/19)
Gov’t Info. Specialist, Dep’t of Justice, Exec. Office for U.S. Attorneys (closes 12/31/19)
Trial Attorney, Dep’t of Justice, Office of Enforcement Operations (closes 12/31/19)
Attorney-Advisor, Dep’t of Justice, Office of Prof. Responsibility (closes 2/25/20)
Attorney, Dep’t of Justice, FBI (closes 10/30/20)