FOIA News: Summary of DOJ's FOIA report
2018 sees record number of FOIA requests, information seekers change
By Amelia Brust, Fed. News Network, June 7, 2019
The Justice Department’s prophecy that fiscal 2018 would be a record year for Freedom of Information Act requests came true. But as the number of requests continues to rise, the make-up of people submitting most of them has shifted.
Journalists are now the second-most common requesters of government records; the majority are now people seeking information on themselves.
In FY 2018 federal agencies received 5.6% more requests, or an increase of 45,458, than in FY 2017, for a total of 863,729 requests. Collectively, agencies also processed 0.85% more requests, or 830,060 total, in FY 2018 versus the previous year, according to DOJ’s annual report released Thursday.
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