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FOIA News: NYT plugs it FOIA work again

How The Times Uses FOIA to Obtain Information the Public Has a Right to Know

Our lawyer provides an update on why we’re still filing so many Freedom of Information Act lawsuits.

By David McCraw, NY Times, Sept. 2, 2019

The anonymous note was secretly tucked into an envelope, behind an official letter from a government agency denying our reporter’s request for documents under the Freedom of Information Act.

It apparently came from someone deep in the agency’s FOIA bureaucracy. The request sought government documents related to the president’s business interests. Typed in large-font print on plain paper, the inserted note said: “The processing of the request was highly irregular. The withholding was entirely unjustified ... The document was probably withheld for political reasons.”

Read more here.

See NYT’s similar article from 2017 here.