FOIA News: More on Judge Walton
Judge’s slap at AG William Barr was shameful politicking
By Josh Hammer, NY Post, Mar. 9, 2020
In 2017, as President Trump took office, anti-Trump activists vented rage with pussy hats and other leftist agitprop. But the real work of the #Resistance has been carried out by holdover bureaucrats in the executive branch — and activist judges roaming far beyond their constitutional remit. Witness a senior federal district judge’s unhinged, disingenuous broadside last week against Attorney General William Barr.
Judge Reggie Walton was confronted with a straightforward Freedom of Information Act complaint, a relatively common type of litigation. In this case, the plaintiffs sought an unredacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian “collusion” released last spring.
Read more here.