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FOIA News: DOJ seeks partial stay of court’s order to release memo about Mueller investigation

Biden DOJ to appeal court order to release Trump obstruction memo

By Harper Niedig, The Hill, May 24, 2021

The Department of Justice is appealing a judge's decision ordering the release of a 2019 legal memo prepared for then-Attorney General William Barr in the wake of the Mueller investigation.

In a pair of court filings submitted late Monday, the DOJ under Attorney General Merrick Garland said it would fight against the full release of the memo, but would agree to make parts of it public.

The internal legal memo prepared by the DOJ's Office of Legal Counsel is said to provide justifications for Barr's stance that former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation did not support obstruction of justice charges against former President Trump.

Read full article here.

See DOJ’s motion here.