FOIA Advisor

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FOIA News: Recap of Chief FOIA Officers Council meeting

Justice Department, GSA working on common standards for FOIA tech

By Justin Doubleday, WFED, Nov. 8, 2022

The Freedom of Information Act community is developing new technology standards to help improve FOIA processes and standardize common services like case management tools across government.

The Justice Department’s Office of Information Policy and the Office of Government Information Services at the National Archives are working with the General Services Administration’s Office of Shared Services and Performance Improvement to advance shared FOIA business standards, according to Lindsay Steel, chief of FOIA compliance staff at OIP.

The GSA office administers the Business Standards Council, an interagency team that has helped shepherd shared standards across areas like grants management and electronic records. Now, the council is turning its attention to FOIA.

Read more here.

See video of CFO Council meeting here.