FOIA Advisor

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FOIA News: Nominations open for worst agency FOIA responses

It’s time once again: Share your transparency horror story with a nomination to The Foilies 2023

The Electronic Frontier Foundation and MuckRock partner once again to highlight what not to do when you work for the public

By Derek Kravitz, MuckRock, Dec. 19, 2022

We are now accepting submissions for The Foilies 2023, the annual project to give tongue-in-cheek awards to the officials and institutions that behave badly (or ridiculously) when served with a request for public records.

Compiled by the Electronic Frontier Foundation and MuckRock, The Foilies run as a cover feature in alternative newsweeklies across the United State, during Sunshine Week (March 12-18, 2023), through a partnership with the Association of Alternative Newsmedia.

Read more here.