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FOIA News: State Dep't proactively releases declassified docs using AI

State Department declassifies diplomatic cables using AI assistant

By Justin Doubleday, Fed. News Network, Oct. 9. 2023

A directive to U.S. embassies in India and Pakistan requesting an urgent evaluation of economic and financial vulnerabilities in those countries.

A report from the embassy in Sofia detailing discord in the Bulgarian Socialist Party.

And an internal summary, prepared by the U.S. embassy in Pretoria, of Secretary of State Madeleine Albright’s meeting with President Nelson Mandela in South Africa.

Those messages are among dozens of newly released diplomatic cables from late 1997. The State Department declassified the cables using a machine learning tool developed by the agency over the past year. The cables were not subject to any Freedom of Information Act requests, but State officials determined copies of the documents could be publicly released through the “proactive disclosure” provision of FOIA.

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