Court opinions issued Mar. 23, 2023
Americans for Fair Treatment v. USPS (D D.C.) -- concluding that: (1) plaintiff lacked standing to challenge FOIA regulation that did not allow an appeal to the head of the agency himself, because plaintiff did not allege sufficient risk of future harm; (2) USPS did not perform adequate search for records concerning a COVID-related “Privacy Statement” on its website; (3) USPS failed to delineate its Exemption 5 withholdings, failed in part to adequately explain its attorney-client privilege withholdings, and failed to provide specific foreseeable harm justifications.
Pickering v. DOJ (W.D.N.Y.) -- (1) adopting magistrate’s report and recommendation (“R&R”) that ATF and FBI performed adequate searches, and that FBI properly withheld disputed records; and (2) rejecting R&R’s conclusion that plaintiff improperly sued DHS rather than its component agencies and remanding for further proceedings.
Summaries of all published opinions issued since April 2015 are available here.