FOIA Advisor

Q&A: It's Fort Knox

Q&A (2015-2024)Allan BlutsteinComment

Q.   I am having a problem getting any type of response from the FOIA office at the U.S. Army Human Resources Command in Fort Knox, KY.  In December 2015 I submitted a FOIA request to the e-mail address specified on their web site. So far no acknowledgement of receiving the request. A phone call to that office was never returned.  On September 17, 2016 I submitted a written FOIA request to the address specified on their web site. So far no response acknowledging receipt of the FOIA request. Today I tried to call the individual shown to be in charge of the FOIA office. Only able to reach an answering machine. So far no response from my message.  Any suggestions as to what I can do to get a response?

A.  Based on my own experience, I would suggest contacting Tifanie L. Cropper, Government Information Specialist, U.S. Army Human Resources Command, Freedom of Information & Privacy Act Office, tel. 502.613.4832,  If you still do not receive a response, you might wish to ask for help from the Office of Government Information Services.