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FOIA News: Dep't of Energy scientists react to "Stranger Things"

FOIA News (2015-2024)Allan BlutsteinComment

Stranger Things: Private E-mails Reveal What Evil Scientists Really Think of the Netflix Show

Turns out the sci-fi smash might not be that far from the truth.

By Joanna Robinson, Vanity Fair, Oct. 6, 2016

Even Netflix’s notoriously secret ratings info, we may never know how many people actually watched Stranger Things over the summer. But thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, we do know that members of the Department of Energy were watching—and, according to a stack of released e-mails, they had a lot to say about the “sinister (yet awesome)” way their organization was portrayed. It’s worth noting that D.O.E. employees, like the rest of us, have spoiler concerns.

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