FOIA Advisor

Court opinions issued Feb. 3 & Feb. 4, 2016

Court Opinions (2015-2024)Allan BlutsteinComment

Feb. 4, 2016

Elec. Privacy Info. Ctr. v. Dep't of Justice (D.D.C.) -- finding that the government's declarations were too broad in scope for court to make a determination about the information withheld from records concerning a now-expired national security program. 

Feb. 3, 2016

San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Auth. v. U.S. Dep't of the Interior (E.D. Cal.) -- rejecting plaintiff's argument that the government had waived its ability to withhold any requested records pertaining to the subject matter of a final agency opinion that had been released in full.

Summaries of all opinions issued since April 2015 available here.