FOIA Advisor

Court opinion issued Jan. 13, 2017

Court Opinions (2015-2024)Allan BlutsteinComment

Wisdom v. U.S. Trustee Program (D.D.C.) -- determining that Executive Office for U.S. Trustees: (1) failed to show it had viable exhaustion defense to any of plaintiff's claims; (2) failed to establish that it conducted adequate searches in all locations likely to contain responsive documents; (3) failed to demonstrate that it properly withheld records pursuant to the deliberative process and attorney-client privileges; (4) properly relied on Exemption 6 to withhold personal identifying information of third parties and all but one employee performance evaluation; and (5) failed to prove that information withheld under Exemption 7(E) met law enforcement threshold.

Summaries of all opinions issued since April 2015 available here.