FOIA Advisor

FOIA News: FOIA Advisor earns ABA Journal honors

FOIA News (2015-2024)Allan BlutsteinComment


November 27, 2017

Editors of the ABA Journal have selected FOIA Advisor to the 2017 ABA Journal Web 100 as one of the 100 best digital media for a legal audience.

Editors have renamed the annual list the Web 100 to honor not only legal blogs, but also podcasts and social media. In addition, the magazine has added five more bloggers to its Blawg Hall of Fame—featuring the very best law blogs, known for their untiring ability to craft high-quality, engaging posts sometimes on a daily basis.

“Since 2007, the ABA Journal has helped shine a light on the stunning breadth of legal topics and voices to found in the legal blogosphere,” Editor and Publisher Molly McDonough said. “Journal editors have selected yet another stellar list of blogs, while recognizing the contributions of podcasts and social media. We hope you’ll find legal information sources in this list that are completely new to you.”

The FOIA Advisor staff is grateful to the ABA Journal for this recognition and it looks forward to serving the FOIA community for many more years to come.

About the ABA Journal:

The ABA Journal is the flagship magazine of the American Bar Association, and it is read by half of the nation’s 1.1 million lawyers every month. It covers the trends, people and finances of the legal profession from Wall Street to Main Street to Pennsylvania Avenue. features breaking legal news updated as it happens by staff reporters throughout every business day, a directory of more than 4,000 lawyer blogs, and the full contents of the magazine.