FOIA Advisor

FOIA News: State Dep't employees resisting FOIA duties

FOIA News (2015-2024)Allan BlutsteinComment

Diplomats fear Tillerson transparency push is linked to Clinton emails

State Department officials worry that an effort to release thousands of records is aimed at tarnishing Hillary Clinton – and pushing more staffers to quit.

By Nahal Toosi, Politico, Nov. 7, 2017

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s assignment of as many as several hundred State Department officials to quickly clear a huge backlog of public records requests is being met with deep skepticism by rank-and-file employees.

Tillerson says his goal is transparency. But many State workers fear the real reason is political: expediting the public release of thousands of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s official emails. 

The staffers also suspect the move — which will reassign many of them from far more substantive duties and has already sparked a union complaint — is meant to force many of them to resign out of frustration with what are essentially clerical positions.

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