FOIA Advisor

Court opinion issued Feb. 2, 2017

Court Opinions (2015-2024)Allan BlutsteinComment

Judicial Watch v. U.S. Dep't of State (D.D.C.) -- finding that: (1) agency's search for records concerning former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Clinton Foundation was reasonable "in most respects," but unreasonably omitted emails of Huma Abedin; (2) agency failed to adequately address whether documents concerning then-Senator Clinton's Senate confirmation were protected under deliberative process privilege; (3) agency improperly withheld certain factual material concerning potential sources of conflict being deliberated upon by agency; (4) Exemption 6 protected private email addresses of individuals who were not yet affiliated with State Department, but not domain extensions of email addresses when release would not reveal the owner's full email address.

Summaries of all opinions issued since April 2015 available here.