FOIA Advisor

FOIA News: Recap of Chief FOIA Officers Council meeting

FOIA News (2015-2024)Allan BlutsteinComment

Can agencies build greater trust in the FOIA process?

By Chase Gunter, FCW, July 28, 2017

With limited resources and an increasing workload, agency officials hope that technology can help automate practices to make the government more transparent.  First, however, they need to improve the practices themselves.

The process surrounding Freedom of Information Act requests has engendered frustration over both the lengthy time it takes to receive responses and the not-so-transparent aspects of the process surrounding the 50-year-old transparency law.

 At a July 27 Chief FOIA Officers Council meeting, the issues of limited resources and manpower, combined with the recent boom in the number of requests, were repeatedly recognized as challenges by both FOIA officials and requesters.

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