FOIA Advisor

Court opinions issued June 7, 2018

Court Opinions (2015-2024)Allan BlutsteinComment

Rosiere v. United States (3rd Cir.) (not precedential) -- affirming district court's decision to dismiss case as malicious, noting that inmate-plaintiff had filed identical lawsuits in other jurisdictions and inundated the government with motions.

Talbot v. U.S. Dep't of State (D.D.C.) -- finding that: (1) State Department should have used false birthdates in search for passport and travel records of two deceased CIA agents who plaintiff suspects were aware of CIA’s involvement in JFK's assassination; (2) State Department properly relied on Exemption 6 to withhold (a) names and signatures of State Department employees who processed one of CIA agent's passports, and (b) names, birth dates, and places of birth of CIA agent's then-minor children; (3) CIA improperly declined to search certain operational files for responsive records; and (4) CIA properly withheld documents pursuant to Exemption 3, in conjunction with the CIA Act and the National Security Act, as well as Exemption 6.     

Summaries of all opinions issued since April 2015 available here