FOIA Advisor

FOIA News: MuckRock on FOIAonline 3.0

FOIA News (2015-2024)Kevin SchmidtComment

On FOIA’s birthday, FOIAonline goes dark for a bit - here’s our plan

By Michael Morisy, MuckRock, July 3, 2018

The team behind FOIAonline has been hard at work on “FOIAonline 3.0,” an upgraded version of the federal government’s official FOIA portal. It looks like that work is about to pay off: FOIAonline’s banner indicates that the new site will launch July 9. But there’s a catch: From July 3rd until that launch, FOIAonline will be completely down.

Yup, that means that on FOIA’s 52nd birthday, FOIAonline will be getting a facelift.

Read more here.