FOIA Advisor

FOIA News: FBI's Kavanaugh file protected under FOIA, argues DOJ

FOIA News (2015-2024)Allan BlutsteinComment

'Unquestionably Private': DOJ Contends FBI's Kavanaugh File Must Remain Confidential

The character of the information in the FBI supplemental background investigation "is highly personal and could subject Judge Kavanaugh and others to harassment or embarrassment in their private lives," Justice Department lawyers said in responding to a FOIA lawsuit.

By Mike Scarcella, Nat’l Law Journal, Oct 28, 2019

Emails and other records detailing the FBI background investigation of Brett Kavanaugh focused on misconduct claims that arose during his U.S. Supreme Court confirmation hearing must remain confidential to protect agency communication and the privacy of the now-justice and others appearing in the material, the U.S. Justice Department told a Washington federal judge Friday.

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