FOIA Advisor

FOIA News: DOJ predicts record-breaking number of requests for FY 2018

FOIA News (2015-2024)Allan BlutsteinComment

FOIA request volume in FY 18 ‘well on-pace’ to break new records

By Jory Heckman, Fed. News Network Mar. 12, 2019

The Justice Department’s Office of Information Policy believes fiscal 2018 will mark yet another record year for the volume of new Freedom of Information Act requests filed by the public.

Justice OIP Director Melanie Ann Pustay, speaking Monday at an agency kick-off event for Sunshine Week, said the volume of requests from fiscal 2018 was “well on-pace” to exceed the previous year.

“We predict now that we will have, yet again, record high numbers of requests received and processed across the government,” Pustay said.

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