FOIA Advisor

FOIA News: OIP announces agency reporting deadlines

FOIA News (2015-2024)Allan BlutsteinComment


DOJ/OIP, FOIA Post, Oct. 7, 2020

October marks the end of Fiscal Year 2020 and the beginning of the FOIA reporting season.  Today, the Office for Information Policy (OIP) is announcing the deadlines for the submission of agencies' Fiscal Year 2020 Annual FOIA Reports, Fiscal Year 2021 Quarterly FOIA Reports, and 2021 Chief FOIA Officer Reports, along with updated resources. 

These three reports serve a vital role in illustrating the steps taken and the progress made by agencies in administering the FOIA, and provide valuable information about how agencies promote efficiency, make more information available proactively, and use technology to improve FOIA administration.

Read more here.