FOIA Advisor

FOIA News: SBA will now release certain information about PPP borrowers

FOIA News (2015-2024)Allan BlutsteinComment

In Turnabout, Small Business Administration Says It Will Disclose Names of Big PPP Borrowers

Disclosures will be made for loans above $150,000 under pressure from Congress

By Ryan Tracy, Wall St. J., June 19, 2020

Bowing to bipartisan pressure in Congress, the Trump administration said it would release the names of borrowers who received Paycheck Protection Program loans of $150,000 or more, accounting for about 75% of funds lent through the program.

The Treasury Department and Small Business Administration said Friday they would disclose business names, addresses, demographic data, number of jobs supported and other details. Specific loan amounts won’t be disclosed, but the government will place each loan in one of five size categories ranging from $150,000 to the maximum loan amount of $10 million, the agencies said.

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