FOIA Advisor

FOIA News: The FOIA Project expands its brief bank

FOIA News (2015-2024)Allan BlutsteinComment

The FOIA Project Expands its Brief Bank with Hundreds of Immigration-Related Court Documents

By Kristen Matteucci, Jenkins Law, Sept. 14, 2021

Did you know that the FOIA Project ( has a Brief Bank that collects “substantive briefs, motions, and testimony related to FOIA cases”?

The FOIA Project aims to “provide the public with timely and complete information about every instance in which the federal government grants or withholds records” requested under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). To that end, the project houses court dockets, complaints, opinions, and orders issued in FOIA lawsuits and FOIA appeals - brought in the U.S. district courts and the U.S. circuit courts, respectively - which challenge government withholding of requested information.

Read more here.