FOIA Advisor

FOIA News: Fifth U.S. Open Nat’l Action plan includes DOJ FOIA commitments

FOIA News (2015-2024)Allan BlutsteinComment

Some FOIA news from the Fifth U.S. Open National Action Plan released a few days ago. The U.S. Department of Justice has committed to take the following steps to bolster openness and transparency:

  • Issuance of an updated FOIA Self-Assessment Toolkit, originally issued in 2017, to reflect, among other things, additional milestones for proactive disclosures, use of technology, and requirements of the Attorney 16 General’s new FOIA Guidelines.

  • Leading a Chief FOIA Officer Council working group that will collaborate with the Office of Government Information Services at the National Archives and Records Administration, the Office of Shared Services & Performance Improvement at the Government Services Administration, and the Business Standards Council to develop shared FOIA business standards. The shared business standards will make it easier for agencies to acquire FOIA technology and, in turn, improve efficiency and consistency in processing requests across the Federal Government. Having established standards will also help industry create new solutions to meet agencies’ needs.

  • Enhancement of the user experience on, the Federal Government’s central website for FOIA, by developing an interactive tool to help members of the public more easily locate records that are already available online or find the right agency to submit their FOIA requests when information is not already posted online.