FOIA Advisor

Court opinions issued Apr. 28, 2022

Court Opinions (2015-2023)Allan BlutsteinComment

Zirvi v. NIH (D.N.J.) -- concluding that: (1) multiple agencies properly relied on Exemption 4 to withhold records concerning a biotechnology company; (2) plaintiff’s belief that withheld documents would show existence of criminal conduct did not undermine exemptions or warrant discovery or in camera review; and (3) plaintiff was neither eligible nor entitled to costs.

Am. Civil Liberties Union v. Fed. Bureau of Prisons (D.D.C.) -- denying plaintiff’s motion to strike agency’s declaration in connection with plaintiff’s requests for COVID-19 data and cost and staffing data related to federal executions.

Summaries of all published opinions issued since April 2015 are available here.