FOIA Advisor

Court opinion issued Jan. 13, 2023

Court Opinions (2015-2024)Allan BlutsteinComment

Conn. Fair Hous. Ctr. v. HUD (D. Conn.) -- on reconsideration, ruling that: (1) plaintiff’s motion for attorney’s fees and costs would be deemed timely filed due to “unique circumstances” and lack of prejudice to HUD; (2) court clearly erred in citing Second Circuit case that was abrogated by 2007 statutory amendment endorsing “catalyst theory” for recovering fees; and (3) plaintiff failed to prove that records were released more quickly because of its lawsuit; HUD diligently responded to request initially, but it was delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic and resolving request-related legal questions.

Summaries of all published opinions issued since April 2015 are available here.