FOIA Advisor

FOIA News: Panel discussion on GAO's FOIA backlog report

FOIA News (2024)Allan BlutsteinComment

On June 25, 2024, the General Counsel of OPEXUS, a leader in government case management software, will host three agency officials to discuss the Government Accountability Office’s March 2024 report on FOIA backlogs. Entitled “Beat the Backlog: Decoding the GAO FOIA Report to Make a Difference in the Last Quarter of Your Program,” the discussion will include Jay McTigue, Director of Strategic Issues at GAO and author of the GAO’s 2024 FOIA report; Michael Sarich, FOIA Director at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; and Alina Semo, Director at the Office of Government Information Services at NARA. 

See here for more details about the event.