FOIA Advisor

Jobs, jobs. jobs: Weekly report 6/24/24

Jobs jobs jobs (2024)Allan BlutsteinComment

Federal positions closing in the next 10 days

Gov’t Info. Specialist, Dep’t of the Navy, GS 12, Jacksonville, FL, closes 6/24/24 (non-public).

Gov’t Info. Specialist, Dep’t of the Air Force/ANG, GS 12, Arlington, VA, closes 6/25/24.

Att’y-Advisor, Dep’t of Justice/OIP, GS 12-15, Washington, D.C, closes 6/27/24.

Gov’t Info. Specialist, Dep’t of Veterans Affairs, GS 14, Wash, D.C., closes 6/28/24 (non-public).

Sup. Gov’t Info. Specialist, Dep’t of the Army, GS 13, Fort Meade, MD, closes 6/28/24.

Gov’t Info. Specialist, Dep’t of Justice/CRM, GS 9, Wash., D.C., closes 6/28/24 (recent graduates).

Gov’t Info. Specialist, Dep’t of Justice/NSD, Wash., D.C., GS 7-9, closes 7/1/24 (recent graduates)

Sup. Att’y Advisor, Nat’l Labor Relations Bd., GS 15, Wash., D.C., closes 7/1/24 (internal to NLRB).

Gov’t Info. Specialist, Dep’t of the Treasury/IRS, GS 14, various locations, closes 7/2/24 (non-public).