FOIA Advisor

FOIA News: Software firm releases results of FOIA survey

FOIA News (2024)Allan BlutsteinComment

AI can help FOIA offices combat onslaught of bot-powered requests, report says

According to a report from software firm OPEXUS, 93% of FOIA officers believe “AI has a key role to play in helping to review, sort and deduplicate requests.”

Edward Graham, NextGov/FCW, Aug. 27, 2024

Bots powered by artificial intelligence are inundating open records offices with often frivolous petitions, but the same tools underpinning these software applications can also help professionals improve the document disclosure process, according to a survey of federal personnel who process Freedom of Information Act — or FOIA — requests.

The report, released on Tuesday by software firm OPEXUS, found that FOIA officers were concerned about declining numbers of personnel, particularly as open records requests have grown in recent years. 

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