FOIA Advisor

Jobs, jobs, jobs: Weekly report Jan. 27, 2025

Jobs jobs jobs (2025)Allan BlutsteinComment

The 90-day hiring freeze imposed by the White House on January 20, 2025, has predictably reduced the number of fillable FOIA positions. Below are vacancies that might be exempt from that freeze.

Gov’t Info. Specialist, Dep’t of the Army, GS 12-13, Arlington, VA, closes 1/27/25 (non-public).

Gov. Info. Specialist, Def. Intelligence Agency, GS 13, Arlington, VA, closes 1/28/25 (public).

Gov. Info Specialist, Dep’t of the Air Force, NH 3, Scott AFB, closes 1/28/25 (non-public).

Gov’t Info. Specialist, Dep’t of Homeland Sec./USCIS, GS 12, remote, closes 1/29/25 (non-public).

Gov’t Info. Specialist, Dep’t of the Army, GG 12, Fort Meade, MD, closes 2/1/25 (public).

Info. Release Specialist, Dep’t of the Army, GS 9-12, remote, closes 2/3/25 (non-public).