We have located several more annual FOIA reports published by agencies since we first posted an initial batch on January 6, 2025. Only a few warrant commentary.
Council of the Inspectors Gen. on Integrity & Efficiency: CIGIE did not fulfill its efficiency mission in FY 2024 with respect to processing FOIA requests. The agency completed only 100 requests after starting the fiscal year with 56 requests on hand and receiving an additional 207 requests.
Dep’t of the Interior: The Department treaded water in FY 2024, receiving 8305 requests and fulfilling 8,426 requests; its request backlog rose slightly from 4,320 in FY 2023 to 4,412 at the end of FY 2024.
Securities & Exchange Comm’n: The SEC received 10,811 requests and processed 10,985 requests, cutting its request backlog from 819 in FY 2023 to 475 at the end of FY 2024. Although the agency’s records are often sought by commercial requesters, the agency collected a meager $311 in fees while bearing more than $13.2 million in processing costs.
All agencies are required to publish their annual reports on their websites by March 1, 2025.