Federal agencies received 1,501,432 FOIA requests in fiscal year 2024, according to data now available on FOIA.gov. This represents a 25 percent increase from FY 2023, when agencies received a total of 1,199,699 requests. Although agencies were able to process 1,499,265 requests in FY 2024, the number of backlogged requests at the end of the fiscal year was 30 percent higher than at the end of FY 2023 (267,056 vs. 200,843, respectively).
Other items of note:
Agencies received 20,115 appeals, up 39 percent from 14,443 in FY 2023, and they processed 18,575 appeals.
Backlogged appeals climbed 10 percent from 4,893 (FY 2023) to 5,382 (FY 2024).
Total processing costs ($601 million), litigation-related costs ($55.39 million), and fees collected ($2.43 million), were about the same as FY 2023 figures: $610 million, $49 million, and $2.33 million, respectively.
Total number of full-time FOIA staff increased from 4,844 in FY 2023 to 6,064 in FY 2024.