FOIA Advisor

FOIA News: Top 10 targets for FOIA requesters in FY 2024

FOIA News (2025)Allan BlutsteinComment

The Department of Justice has uploaded FOIA data reported by agencies for fiscal year 2024. Below are the agencies that received the most FOIA requests descending from one to ten.

  1. DHS: 911,535 requests

  2. Justice: 132,527

  3. Veterans Affairs: 105,725

  4. Defense: 61,858

  5. HHS: 51,800

  6. USDA: 24,722

  7. Nat’l Archives: 22,590

  8. State: 22,306

  9. Transportation: 18,345

  10. EEOC: 18,083

All ten of these agencies appeared in the top ten in FY 2023, with all but the top three changing positions. NARA slipped from 4th in 2023, when it received 62,505 requests. Defense and HHS each moved up one position from 2023; USDA rose from 8th; Transportation slipped from 7th; State rose from 10th; and EEOC dropped from 9th.